jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

LG is doing with a second screen what Motorola and Nokia did with ...

LG is doing with a second screen what Motorola and Nokia did with <b>...</b>

LG is doing with a second screen what Motorola and Nokia did with <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 08:54 AM PDT

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. LG V10 Second Screen. LG is doing with a second screen what Motorola and Nokia did with the main screens. By Joe Levi | October 1, 2015 11:54 AM. It wasn't all that long ago when people wore a watch everywhere they went. When cell phones started arriving, the ... Some flip phones even got fancy and put a small LCD across the top to show you the current date and time, and information about the incoming caller. Modern smartphones did away with this ...

EU probes TVs over energy test scores - Newswo.Com | Daily <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 08:43 AM PDT

Image copyright. Samsung. Image caption. Samsung acknowledges that it uses software that has an impact on its energy efficiency scores. The European Commission says it is ?following up? two reports that raise concerns that software used in TVs may be skewing their energy rating scores. ... ComplianTV's researchers found that the power demands of one of the South Korean firm's LCD TVs dropped from 70 watts to about 39 watts within a minute of the test video starting.?That's not ...

Tot mai multe smartphone-uri flagship adoptă panouri OLED; A <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 08:32 AM PDT

Tot mai multe smartphone-uri flagship adopt? panouri OLED; A ?nceput picajul LCD-urilor?. In legatura cu: OLED, AMOLED, SUPER AMOLED, LCD, Samsung Display.

Themes Thursday: arrivano 14 nuovi temi nello store <b>Samsung</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 06:55 AM PDT

18 ore fa Il Galaxy View ? un nuovo tablet di Samsung caratterizzato da un display TFT LCD da 18.4 pollici di... Carl Pei, CEO di OnePlus, si propone a Samsung come stagista 45. 30 Set Arriva l'ennesima ... Appuntamento ormai fisso con il Themes Thursday. Sullo store di Samsung, come ogni gioved?, arrivano una serie di nuovi temi che permetteranno di personalizzare i propri Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy S6 edge+ e Galaxy Note 5. Dei 14 temi pubblicati, purtroppo, solo 4 ...

Gear S2 "Classic" di <b>Samsung</b>, ecco la confezione di vendita <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 06:30 AM PDT

In attesa di vederlo nei negozi, in una serie di immagini viene mostrata la confezione di vendita della versione ?classic? del nuovo Gear S2 di Samsung. In linea con il design dello smartwatch, anche la confezione ? circolare. Al suo interno, ? ...

<b>Samsung</b> Galaxy Note 5 Review Roundup - ecoustics.com

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 06:00 AM PDT

August 13, 2015 - Samsung today announced their flagship smartphones for 2015-2016, which come in two models with 5.7-inch Quad HD Super AMOLED screens. The Galaxy S6 edge+ has a curved screen on both edges, while the Galaxy ...

LG V10 �zellikleri - ShiftDelete.Net

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 02:30 AM PDT

G??l? ?zellikler sunan ak?ll? telefon, baz? ?zellikleri ile rakibi olan Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ve S6 Edge+ modellerinin ?n?ne ge?se de baz? ?zellikleri ile gerisinde kal?yor. 15-10/01/01-lg-v10-shiftdelete-sdn. LG V10 ile iki ekran deneyimi. ?zelliklerine bakt???m?zda 5.7 in? QuadHD Quantum IPS LCD ana ekran ve uygulama ya da kamera k?sayollar?n?n yer ald??? 2.1 in? 1040x160 piksel ??z?n?rl?kte ikinci ekrana sahip olan LG V10'un ekran?, Corning Gorilla Glass 4 ekran koruma  ...

<b>Samsung</b> realizza una nuova galleria in collaborazione con <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 02:15 AM PDT

18 ore fa Il Galaxy View ? un nuovo tablet di Samsung caratterizzato da un display TFT LCD da 18.4 pollici di. ... L'applicazione ? disponibile esclusivamente per smartphone della famiglia Galaxy dal momento che ? scaricabile direttamente dallo store ufficiale Samsung Galaxy App. Per il momento le funzioni sembrano quelle di una classica galleria con in pi? la possibilit? di effettuare il backup in cloud senza limiti per 6 mesi, estesi a un anno se si decide di usare il servizio per ...

<b>Samsung</b> AMOLED business to benefit from China smartphone <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 01:31 AM PDT

Many China-based smartphone vendors are planning to use AMOLED in their high-end smartphones in 2016 and are looking to Samsung Display for panel supply as the maker continues to increase yields for the technology. ... for a total of about 15 different smartphones primarily sold in the China market, said industry sources, adding that many China vendors switched away from LCD in-cell solutions due to tight supply from Japan Display coupled with ongoing pricing fluctuation.

<b>Samsung</b> Galaxy View : la tablette de 18,4 pouces certifi�e en <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 01:11 AM PDT

D'apr?s ce qu'on en sait, celle qui prendra le nom de Samsung Galaxy View (SM-T670) poss?derait donc une dalle TFT LCD de 18,4 pouces ? la d?finition Full HD (1080 x 1920 pixels), un processeur octocore Exynos 7580, 2 Go de m?moire ...

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